Gmund Bauhaus Dessau
Printing information and specifications at a glance
The Bauhaus shaped architectural history more formatively than perhaps any other institution of the Modern era. It strove to achieve the utmost simplification by leaving out all superfluities. The Bauhaus Dessau Paper is based on the ideas of material appropriateness and material research shared by Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau and Gmund Paper. It owes its appeal to pure materiality and high quality: modern, straightforward and reduced to the bare essentials.
Application examples
Text paper, brochure cover, invitations, folders ...
Offset printing, digital printing (dry toner), silk-screen printing, hot foil stamping, paper engraving …
Gmund Eco certification, FSC® certified (FSC® C006462)
Gmund Bauhaus Dessau - Envelopes